Persian-speaking therapist in ontario

Are you familiar with the best therapy method in the world and you know the relation between that and Purple Life Psychology clinic? EFT has the highest success rate worldwide with 75 to 95% of successful cases and the interesting
Persian-speaking therapist in ontario

a Persian-speaking therapists in Toronto Ontario Canada is a service for iranian immigrants brought to you by Purple Life Psychology Clinic,so that you can have your Persian-speaking therapist online or in-person wherever you are especially if you are in Toronto Ontario Canada.

experience the sense of safety of having a compatriot with you even at home with Purple Life Psychology clinic.

stay tuned…

You might wonder do our clinic’s therapists speak Farsi or English?

In Purple Life Psychology clinic we have bilingual therapists so that we can provide service for you in the language that suits you.

can you have an in-person session with purple life psychology clinic?

yes we will be more than happy to see you in person at 82 Queen St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 2E6، canada

Persian-speaking therapist in ontario


Are the clinic’s Persian-speaking therapists in Iran on Canada?

A number of our team members are in Canada and some of them are in Iran and will be with you online when and where you need them.

7 international therapists including couples’ therapists, kids’ therapists individuals’ therapists, senior therapists and family therapists are ready to help and advice you

Persian immigrants, all around the world and provide their service brought You by Purple Life Psychology Clinic wherever you are.

Are you familiar with the best therapy method in the world and you know the relation between that and Purple Life Psychology clinic?

EFT has the highest success rate worldwide with 75 to 95% of successful cases and the interesting part is that five Persian-speaking therapist in Purple Life Psychology Clinic have an international EFT certificate from Canada ICEEFT.

a persian-speaking therapist with EFT specialty has made our clinic one of the most special and high quality Farsi-English clinics in Ontario Canada.

finding a Persian-speaking therapist where you live might not be a difficult task, but finding one who works with the most up-to-date therapy and coaching methods is definitely not easy.

Dr. Khaled Aslani and Dr. Ali Balouei arw one of the most well-known international Iranian therapist (couples, kids, family, and individuals) and supervisors and are the leaders of Purple Life Psychology Clinic’s team.

What makes our clinic different from other Farsi-speaking centres in Canada is our extremely strong and capable couples therapy team managed by Shima Haj Mohammadi.

and now we will be answering some questions about Persian-speaking therapists.

why a Persian-speaking therapists?

the language and culture of a therapist is of extreme importance.

if a therapist’s language and Culture does not match with that of a client’s an important factor of the treatment which is alignment will not be achieved and this will leave a client feeling like they are not properly understood and are not as safe as they need to be and this will affect the outcome of the sessions greatly.

just like language, culture is also an important Factor in therapy. when a client has lived in a country such as Iran is it possible to not take that into consideration during their therapy session?

social and cultural Aspects in Iran or a lot different from those of Canada, America, Australia and etc…

And without taking a look at those aspects we cannot reach a deep understanding of a client’s feelings and experiences, and this requires a Persian-speaking therapist who understands these aspects.

Persian-speaking therapist in ontario

in therapy Sessions making clients feel heard and understood is of utmost importance.

we enter a client’s world to see the world through their eyes and this feeling of being heard and understood is a huge part of the treatment.

A therapist is not only there to answer but also there to listen well and this feeling of being understood itself requires someone who speaks your language and knows your culture.

what makes a Persian-speaking therapist different from a non Persian-speaking therapist is that the first can have a better look and understanding of a client’s experiences.
they understand expressions better and therefore can help the client better.

surely you know that sometimes a single word or expression can mean a whole paragraph in a specific culture and community and if it therapist is not aware of these expressions it is much harder for them to connect with the client’s world and experiences.

what is it that makes language more important for therapy?

another reason why it is important to get help from a Persian-speaking therapist is the definition of words. in EFT we do not provide Solutions but after some time we automatically sense a difference in the client’s words.

the video below is a proof that by changing our words we can change our world.

as we can see there is a blind person asking for help,
using this sentence: “I am blind please help me.”
but not receiving much help.

but after changing the words to: “it is a beautiful day, but I can’t see any of it. please help me.” he receives a lot more help.

therapists can also change the words exchanged between couples in the therapy room to give them better meaning, and this is exactly why you need a Persian-speaking therapist or a therapist who speaks your language.

with all this information you now realise the importance of having a Persian speaking therapist.

you might wonder if it is possible for you to have an in-person session with a Persian-speaking therapist at home or online from Ontario Canada or anywhere else in the world?

yes, you can now book your in-person home visit or online session with us and we will be there to help you in no time.

Persian-speaking therapist in ontario

Purple Life Psychology clinic’s Persian-speaking therapists have a great experience with online counselling and offer you the chance of receiving your online sessions whether you are at home, work or anyone else, and do so without facing any difficulties.

Purple Life Psychology Clinic is now ready to offer therapy and Coaching services for Farsi-speaking individuals, couples, kids and seniors all around the world.

with taking into consideration all the important factors like languages, culture and international certificates we can say that Purple Life Psychology Clinic is one of the most high quality clinics in all counselling areas.

we are ready to provide service for you wherever you are and all you need to do is contact the centre’s secretary Somayeh Ghermezi via our Whatsapp.


Purple Life Psychology

You can book your therapy session right now through our website.

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Great article, thank you very much

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