Iranian psychology clinic in Canada

As in Iranian psychology clinic in Canada, in Purple Life Psychology clinic, we provide you therapeutic services for any problem you might be facing so that you can work on solving them calmly and safely with the help of international
iranian psychology clinic in canada

Experience an Iranian psychology clinic in Canada with Purple Life Psychology Clinic.

It is the best option for Iranians all around the world for online therapy and Iranians in Toronto, Ontario Canada for in person sessions in their city.

I am Tannaz kia from the United States of America.

My husband, my son and I used to live in Canada before we had to move to America for my husband`s job.

We had a really difficult time after moving to Canada from Iran and we were facing a lot of problems after our migration to the point where I couldn`t feel  the closeness and intimacy with my husband anymore, and we would fight every single day about everything and anything.

He was cold and he would respond to my reasoning by either leaving the house or just sitting in a corner without answering any of my questions or requests and not paying any attention to what I had to say.

I had grown tired of it. It seemed like all we were doing was just arguing and fighting. We were not the same anymore.

 We would raise our voices ad argue about anything and I felt like there was just no trust between us anymore. He didn`t care about my feelings and thoughts and only cared about himself and his logic.

Until I decided to find a therapist or in Iranian psychology clinic in Canada to book an appointment for an in person session by looking it up online and with the help of my Iranian co-workers I found Purple Life Psychology `s clinic in Canada.

 Ater only a few sessions with our therapist everything changed!! To be honest, before starting therapy I had no hope that my relationship would change even one bit, and this might have been my last resort before getting a divorce.

It was unbelievable! After only a few sessions we realized that  behind each argument and fight there was a completely different world.

We couldn`t realize this even if we lived together for years and years. What was on the outside and surface of our fight was completely different from what was happening behind it all.

Now, we live in America and we continue to do our therapy online with our therapist and even though we`re only halfway through our treatment I already feel like we`ve made a lot of progress and are a lot closer to each other.

 We hear and understand each other better now.

The love that was almost gone is now back and stronger  than ever.

The meaningless arguments are gone because we saw and felt something during therapy we could not have seen or felt without an expert and professional therapist.

 Now I understand what an EFT couple`s therapist truly is.

We are still those two people but our world has completely changed without any specific advice of solution.

We are now enjoying our life while maintaining our own thoughts and beliefs.

I shared my experience with you to say that if you too are looking or an Iranian psychology clinic in Canada, Purple Life Psychology clinic is the best option out there for you so that you too can see a world that without a trained and professional EFT couple`s therapist, you probably can never see.

Stay with us to make excellent decisions!

Why Purple Life Psychology as an Iranian psychology clinic in Canada?

  • A team of expert and professional Iranians

  • Therapists with reliable international certificates

  • Therapists with a lot of experience and scientific background

  • Therapists with the most updated and effective methods according to the American APA

  • Bilingual therapists (Persian and English)

  • Professional therapists for all individuals, couples, and family problems and all their subsets

  • This Iranian psychology clinic is based in Canada

  • The option to take your sessions online, in person or as home visits

  • The option of quality online sessions for clients all around the world from Iran and Canada  

  • The option to study the full resume of our therapists to select the one you decide is best for you

  • With 24 hour assistance in both Persian and English

  • Insurance coverage

  • Affordable sessions with quality

  • Expert therapists in departments such as kids, couples, individuals, family, and senior therapy.

iranian psychology clinic in canada

And now we will answer some more of your questions

Why an Iranian psychology clinic in Canada?

  • 1) Today, the soaring of psychological problems, including individual, couples and family problems is a strong reason why you should always be in contact with a therapist and a professional team more than ever before.
  • 2) The clinic has several therapists with expertise in different fields and methods. 

After booking an appointment, clients are given an oral or written report and are separated according to the problems they are facing and then receive a date for a session with the therapist most suitable for them.

  • 3) Toronto is one of the cities with the biggest number of Iranian immigrants and this is why we see many Iranian psychology clinics in there including Purple Life Psychology clinic and this is one of the advantages for the Iranians in this city.
  • 4) In the previous post we answered the question of why an Iranian psychologist?

And agreed upon the importance of having a therapist of the same culture and background and the many  advantages that come with it during your treatment process and this is an important factor for Iranians inside and outside of Iran to choose an Iranian therapist.

In our Iranian psychology clinic in Canada an the rest of the world, Purple Life Psychology clinic, we provide treatment services and teaching courses according to the client`s cultural and linguistic background which are extremely important factors in the process.

These are some examples of some broad problems that our clients from around the world have contacted us, Purple Life Psychology clinic about to receive help.

Individual problems:

Anxiety disorder, OCD, depression, phobia, physical disabilities in seniors, PTSD, eating disorders, insomnia, behavioral disorder, learning disorder, personality disorder and etc.

Couples` problems:

Physical detachment, betrayal, problems with the partners` family, distrust, ungratefulness, putting blame on the other person, fading intimacy, dishonesty and lying and etc.

Family problems:

Tension between the kids and the parents, parents` behavior towards kids and vice versa,  financial problems, house work problems and etc.

iranian psychology clinic in canada

Why is it important to work on these problems?

If you do not take action towards solving these problems with the help of experts, you will soon start to see their negative effects on other aspects of your life as well.

And the more you postpone treating these problems the longer the process will take, and this alone should be enough reason why you need to contact an Iranian psychology clinic in Canada as an Iranian and Persian-speaker.

Pay attention to these four stages of a client`s report:

Stage 1: when the pandemic hit its peak, overthinking about my job and financial status caused me extreme anxiety.

Stage 2: to try and ignore my anxiety I started to do different things as an escape, I would wash and clean just so that I won`t have to think about it.

Stage 3: this escaping mechanism was causing an OCD .

Stage 4: my anxiety and OCD were only getting worseand started causing physical problems such as, high blood pressure, cardiac problems, dry skin on my hands, insomnia and etc.

In the report above, you can see how many problems a concern about a job and financial matters can cause a person and had this person not taken action and contacted an Iranian psychology clinic in Canada, her condition would have only gotten worse.

Anyone, with any social, financial, cultural and educational status can use therapeutic services to improve mentally and physically.

As in Iranian psychology clinic in Canada, in Purple Life Psychology clinic, we provide you therapeutic services for any problem you might be facing so that you can work on solving them calmly and safely with the help of  international experts.

Selecting the best Iranian psychology clinic in Canada

  • Purple Life Psychology is a team who provide their services online from Canada for Iranians inside and outside of Iran.

  • The first and most professional Iranian psychology clinic in Canada to proudly help you Iranians in solving your problems.

  • Having years of experience alongside the best international couples, kids, individual and senior therapists is what makes our

  •  clinic the best option for Iranians inside and outside of Iran.

  • The most experienced and professional couples` therapists who work with the most effective method according to the American APA which is EFT, have come together in our clinic to help you with your relationships.

How can we find other Iranian psychology clinics in Canada and around the world?

You can find therapists and clinics in canda and other countries according to states and cities, therapy methods and different categories via reliable directory websites such as Psychology Today and etc.

How to book an appointment in an Iranian psychology clinic in Canada for clients around the world?

Iranian immigrants around the world can book an appointment through our website or make a quick booking via our Whatsapp  through the clinic`s secretary Somayeh Ghermezi.

Purple Life Psychology


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We welcome you with open arms.

Purple Life Psychology clinic

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